Thursday, April 23, 2009


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thank you to Samuel, Maggie, Zong Bao, Sherman, Linda, Yvonne, Jesmond, Mervin, Jocelyn, Yi Yong and Atikah for holding on with me for two full weeks. for slaving away every night in my house and enduring the burden of having the school’s reputation on our heads.DSC03544DSC03551

thank you for being there and becoming the people i now know as my Debate Family.

my dears, i am so proud of you all and as sad i am to know that we did not manage to bring back the trophy again, or go as far as we aimed to, i wouldnt trade these two weeks for anything.

thank you for showing me that sometimes people are as dumb as Toosies, unfair like Hutus but despite it all, chemistry and dynamics are all it takes to make a great team.

i love you guys.



  1. aww, finally found ur blog after i lost the new url...
    u sure u're not emo?xD

  2. Uhh ... it's spelt Tutsis, actually. ;-)

  3. Glad ya enjoyed our competition :D
